
Sunday, September 19, 2010

i got the hints, yes, it's fiction

Good evening, amigos \(^_^)/
Yesterday i got something interesting from grandpa Google. It's Hint Fiction.

Hint Fiction was first posted on Robert Swartwood's blog, the Flash Fiction Chronicles. He coined the term for an extremely short fiction. A story which is written in 25 words or less will be determined as Hint Fiction.

This kind of story sounds new but it's not,actually. Famous author, Ernest Hemingway, claimed his best work was his six-words novel, "For sale:baby shoes,never worn". Hint Fiction looks like rising up again nowadays by the invention of Twitter. This social network media let you tell your life story within very limited words, doesn't it?

The term 'Hint Fiction' has captivated my mind from the very first time. I heard myself whispering "try this or die". The whisperer is the hyperbolics me. Yes, she is so hyperbolics but she understands me as well as always. I desperately wanna try to make any hint fiction then. I thought it would be easy. It's just write down few words, rite?

If you thought so, just be careful because i've fooled by my own thought. In fact, it's not as simple as it seems. We need to give 'hints' for the readers as much as possible so half of them get a quite similar way of thinking. But still, leave corners for growing their imagination. I found it rather difficult in choosing less than 25 proper words to make a clear-yet-mysterious-and-actually-more-complex story.

So since yesterday, This Hint Fiction fever has been being a true challenge to my writing hobby. I will effortly work on it. By the way, as i write this post, i spill out some ideas of hint fiction, too, on my private notepad. Not yet get the great one. I need to try harder. Yup, fighting! \(>O<)/


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